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ReachView v2.11.0 is out

It’s been a long time since we split our update channels into dev and stable and now it’s time to pour the things back together! We would like to say thank you to everyone who opted in for the devs updates helping us verify things.

What’s new in our second stable update:

  • Second position output is back
  • New project export formats: CSV and DroneDeploy CSV
  • Surveying: point collection start and end times are saved into the project
  • LED: blink green to indicate app loading during startup
  • Shutdown and reboot buttons in ReachView
  • Pretty new logos
  • Additional correction and GNSS predictor are deprecated

Reachview v.2.11.0 also contains a number of important bug fixes. See the full list and detailed explanations for the new features in the release message on our community forum and update today!