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2019 Recap and Greetings from Emlid Team

This year we’ve hit the market with two highly-anticipated products – multi-band Reach RS2 and Reach M2.

Reach RS2 announcement is a highlight of the year for us and another big step toward making RTK accessible to everyone. We are thrilled to see the adoption of Reach RS2 by professional industries such as land surveying, mining, and construction.

To fulfil the demand of drone mapping experts, we’ve recently released Reach M2 featuring multi-band signal tracking and a helical GNSS antenna. Now you can equip your drone with a fully-featured RTK/PPK system with a base station for $2.5k. We start shipping in January, ensure you made a pre-order! 

Besides immense hardware developments, there’s a non-stop sprint for making ReachView ready to move on to the next level.

In 2019, significant work had been done in bringing Reach devices to the same version of ReachView. All Emlid receivers including original Reach RTK, Reach RS and newer M+, M2, RS+ and RS2, now receive OTA updates simultaneously. With this substantial update, all Reach users can get new features we are preparing for 2020! 

Greetings to the Community

There are no words to emphasize the importance of the Community role in Emlid’s ecosystem. 

Personal shout-outs go to @TB_RTK, @bide, Luke Wijnberg, @Achiii, Brent Wiebe, Michael Lambert, Sebastian, Zinedine, RTK_Hunter, Marc Lebret, Luis Galina, David Hoffer, Tobias Dahms, @DirtyHarry, Christian Grüner, Jurijs Ješkins

And cheers to 1521 other users who have been active on the forum for the past year! Special thanks from the Marketing team of Emlid goes to those who shares their projects on social media and tags @emlid, you are the best content makers! 

Thank you for being active in supporting new members, helping us improve the products and of course for staying friendly and warm. Let’s keep the forum a special place in 2020! 

We look forward to seeing you with us next year. Emlid team wishes everyone a great Holiday season, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.