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Post-processing with Emlid Studio: Video tutorial

Discover Emlid’s new video course—Post-processing with Emlid Studio! Our second course is designed for those who work in PPK and aim for higher precision. You’ll learn how to prepare RINEX and drone data and post-process them using our free post-processing software, Emlid Studio. Join our application engineer, Polina, and master how to achieve centimeter-precise results using Emlid Studio!

Episode 1

In the first episode, we introduce Emlid Studio and its workflows and explain the Static Processing Workflow in detail. This workflow allows you to accurately determine the position of a single point—perfect for setting up local base stations when RTK NTRIP services aren’t available. Tune in to learn how to get precise coordinates even in the absence of mobile networks.

Episode 2

In the second episode, we explore the Kinematic Processing Workflow. This workflow helps you get a precise track of measurements from data collected without an RTK link between the base and the rover. This technique offers a more flexible workflow and can be used as a backup for RTK. Check out how to get a precise track of measurements in Emlid Studio.

Episode 3

In this episode, we cover the Drone Data Processing Workflow, suitable for both PPK and RTK drones. If you prefer PPK, it helps you add geotags with precise coordinates to the images captured during the PPK drone flight. If you fly an RTK drone, it helps you update geotags on images taken in SINGLE or FLOAT modes with precise coordinates. Learn how to georeference the images after the drone flight with centimeter-level precision.

Episode 4

In the final episode, we dive into the Stop & Go Processing Workflow in Emlid Studio. This method allows for precise point collection when RTK is unavailable, solving issues like limited line of sight, no internet, or unavailable NTRIP services. Learn how Stop & Go with Emlid Flow can improve positioning results.

Quiz: post-processing with Emlid Studio

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