Reach Firmware 29 update brings advanced RINEX logging and extended NTRIP protocols support

Reach Firmware 29 update is rolling out today for Reach RS2, Reach RS+, and Reach M2/M+ devices. This latest update delivers enhanced RINEX logging and NTRIP protocols support, as well as general stability improvements for the overall user experience with Reach.
New in RINEX logging
With the new update, we have added point markers into RINEX logs in ReachView 3. Now, if you collect points with RINEX logging enabled, the app records the collection events’ start and end times directly into the RINEX log for further post-processing in third-party PPK software. We have also included the approximate position in RINEX start/stop events. These improvements will help you seamlessly use the raw data from Reach for post-processing in your PPK software.
In RINEX NAV logs, we have added leap seconds output. What’s more, we have enhanced the RINEX logs’ compatibility for the OPUS preset.
One more improvement comes in the RINEX logging settings. You can now select SBAS (Satellite-based Augmentation System) in the satellite systems, which gives you additional data.

Extended NTRIP protocols and Autel drones support
For NTRIP users, Reach Firmware 29 update supports encrypted protocols over TLS/SSL required by some NTRIP casters. This means all AUSCORS mount points are now fully available in the ReachView 3 app.

Furthermore, we have added support for the NTRIP V2.0 protocol. This feature allows connecting Reach receivers to Autel RTK drones using the NTRIP Local option in ReachView 3.
Other improvements
As usual, the new firmware version improves the overall stability and simplifies the user experience with Reach devices. Among other things, we have delivered the following improvements:
- Changed device naming restriction: the underscore character (_) is forbidden to follow the standards of the correct device’s hostname in the network. If your devices’ names have underscores, they will be automatically renamed to the title without underscores (e.g., RS2_Base → RS2Base).
- Added the 14 Hz rate selector for the NMEA position output on single-band receivers.
- Improved battery charge estimation on Reach RS2.
- Increased stability when working over external LoRa on Reach M2.
To explore the complete list of changes and fixes, you can check out the release notes on our Community Forum.