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ArduCopter 3.3 Released

We’re excited to let you know that ArduCopter 3.3 and ArduPlane 3.4 have finally landed! Thanks for your support and beta-testing. Some experienced Navio users have already had a couple of test flights and report that overall this release makes Navio even easier to use.

There are many exciting features to be found in this release as well as a couple of bug fixes. Below you can read the list of the most important Navio-related improvements

  • Major AK8963 magnetometer and MPU9250 rework
    • From now on the annoying AK8963: BAD DEVICE ID as well as the APM relaunch failures should be gone
    • The transaction speed was increased
  • Connectivity stack rework
    • A lot of petty little bugs fixed that’d yielded some obscure error messages such as “Read failed – success” have been eliminated.
    • UDP reconnect. Even if a Wi-Fi dongle falls out, the connection is reestablished. If network interface is not up during the boot, the new code will pick up the slack.
  • RCInput reimplemented
    • pigpio dependency eliminated
    • CPU load significantly reduced thanks to getting rid of redundant 1 KHz thread.
  • ToshibaLED is now supported
  • Airspeed I2C sensor supported

You can look into the full Release Notes for further information.

We’ve updated the deb package which makes updates very easy. Read the following docs entry for full installation instructions. The new package will overwrite the older one.

The development doesn’t seem to slow down so we’re looking forward to ArduCopter 3.4 which will deliver more awesome features such as DNS resolving and the support for new sensors as well which will make your flight experience even smoother.

The Raspbian update (Jessie) with a new RT-kernel is also coming. So, stay tuned!