From a Chip tо a Click and Go Solution: Interview with Emlid User

It’s always exciting to know about surveying experience with Reach firsthand from our users. This gave an idea to launch a new format in our blog—interviews with our users. Meet the first guest—Tore Berthelsen from Norway.
– Tell us a bit about yourself.
– My name is Tore. My daytime job is in the construction industry. Planning and supervising our own and customers’ projects. My main area of operation is west in Norway, more specifically around Bergen and the surrounding areas and islands.
– How long have you been with Emlid?
– My first experience with an accurate GNSS was in 2013, and I then discovered Emlids Reach early in 2016 and from that day, a Reach has been a part of my toolbox for many of my daily operations and tasks. This tool is crucial for me in this industry; we are far from any know boundaries and guidelines. We need to rely on accurate readings and durability.
– What are the most exciting aspects of your profession?
– The most exciting stuff happens in my own company, 3Dmapper. I have taken my knowledge about surveying, constructions, modeling from CAD software, RC building, and interest in new technologies to provide an information service for other architects, engineers, and contractors. I know a lot about pitfalls and challenges one faces in these stages of the profession. Here I have used several components from the Emlid selection to produce the data and information needed. E.g., architects working on an inaccurate site drawing, engineers need more recent data with higher resolution, contractors overview, and site progress.
– How was your experience with Reach and the ReachView 3 app?
– My greatest memory of a survey was the day I visited a benchmark in the mountains; the weather and view were perfect. The lightweight RS and just a phone were all it took to do static PP and create and new benchmark. These were the early days of Reach, and there was no app. Emlid has come a long way from just a pile of chips and wires to a fully operating dual-band GNSS that is user-friendly, low-cost, and low-threshold gear. And then there are the people at Emlid, a bunch of fun, creative and generous people how have done something amazing with all the stuff they have made. That is impressive.
Special thanks to Emlid. Without you, I wouldn’t have met and talked to people from all over the world.
– We’d love to hear a few words about your last survey project and your favorite part of it.
– The latest survey I did was two times a 24 hours PPP with RS2. With the latest RV3 version, it’s all click and go, then after a couple of weeks, upload to my CRS service for a millimeter positioning and update one of my a benchmark. This is more accurate than the usage of VRS.