Topographical land survey in Poland woods. Photo Contest 2019 winner
We recently announced our annual Photo Contest 2019 winners. Among them was Grzegorz Krukowski, whose stunning photos won the Grand Prize—a shiny new Reach RS2. Read on to discover the story behind the winning entry.
Grzegorz Krukowski, a surveyor from Poland, used Reach RS2 for a topographical land survey in Northern Poland woods.
Even though the terrain was pretty challenging, Grzegorz managed to measure points in places where the sky was quite visible. He worked in RTK mode with corrections (RTCM3.2) obtained via NTRIP from the CORS network.
Other points, under a dense canopy, were measured with a total station.
He also established three control points (marked red in the picture below) to create a closed traverse network containing in a total of 11 points. By closing the loop, he could check the result against errors and blunders.

On every point, he measured a horizontal angle, vertical angle, and slope distance to the next and previous point in traverse. All measurements were then adjusted by the least square method. The results of computing the traverse points coordinates were within 1-2 cm accuracy.
Reach RS2 for the winner

We asked our official dealer in Poland, Pomiarydronem, to award the winner. Due to Grzegorz’s hectic schedule, the official award event took place in his outdoor office—a construction site. On behalf of our team, we wish Grzegorz Krukowski good luck with his future projects.
Emlid Swag Bag Winners
We also awarded ten standout entries with our unique branded swag kit. This year our swag bag features the Reach RS2 extension pole, water bottle, and other small souvenirs.

Once again, we’d like to say a huge thank you to everyone who contributed—you certainly made it extremely difficult to choose the winners. And for those who didn’t win this time—stay tuned for the next year’s competition!
You can see all the winning photos of the Emlid Photo Contest 2019 in our blog.