In the field: spending hours, not days to stake out a major music venue with Reach and Emlid Flow
The success of any large survey project depends on the ability to save time and effort on workflows. Recently, our users managed to speed up their workflow when staking out 4000 CAD points for a large music show venue. Using Reach receivers and the Emlid Flow app, they were able to do in a few hours what would normally take them several days. Here, we highlight how you too can streamline your stakeout job using the Reach and Emlid Flow combo.
Speedy stakeout of 4000 CAD points with Reach
The Insomniac team runs music shows in the US and other countries. Their largest show, Electric Daisy Carnival (EDC), is traditionally held in Las Vegas, Nevada. The entire venue is typically designed in AutoCAD. Over 4000 CAD points must then be staked on-site to mark all types of show assets, including stages, tents, restrooms, fence lines, scenic pieces, art installations, carnival rides, and more. In past years, just staking out the main stages already took up a couple of days.
But in 2023 the Insomniac team used Reach RS2 and Reach RS+ receivers to do the job faster and completed the entire project in under two weeks. To survey the show venue, they used two Reach RS2+ rovers connected to the Nevada NTRIP station. The campground was surveyed with two Reach RS+ units as base and rover.
Dealing with inaccessible landmark
When surveying with the Reach RS+ base and rover, the team could not place the base over a landmark with known coordinates. To overcome this obstacle, they averaged the base position and applied the base shift to the known point in the Emlid Flow app.
Since the base was shut down at the end of each day, the surveyors set it up and applied base shift each morning. This allowed them to place the base in different locations, which was helpful when surveying the spread-out campground.
Sync of the field and office job in Emlid Flow 360
During the stakeout, the team found existing venue assets that were not marked on the plan, such as fire hydrants, known underground utilities, sewers, and electrical panels. Emlid Flow 360 allowed them to update the plan on the fly. As the surveyors located new assets with Reach, their team members in the office could import the points from Emlid Flow 360 into AutoCAD and instantly update the venue base plan for everyone involved.
“When Emlid Flow 360 was released, it changed the way we deal with updates and changes to our site plan. Someone in the office can now upload new points on the laptop while all the rovers are out in the field.”
Julian Largado, Site Production Manager at Insomniac

Before: EDC project view in Emlid Flow 360

After: EDC view during the show
Get Reach receivers for your projects
If you are looking for surveying equipment to expand your toolbox, consider Reach RS3. This is an easy-to-use GNSS receiver with centimeter precision. It comes with the handy Emlid Flow mobile app and the Emlid Flow 360 web application. Reach RS3 is available in the Emlid online store and ships worldwide. You can also buy the Reach RS3 from official Emlid dealers—find your local dealer here to get started.