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New Reach Firmware 30 improves Reach compatibility with other receivers and software

Reach Firmware 30

Today we introduce the Reach Firmware 30 update. In this release, the main focus is on Reach receivers’ compatibility with third-party equipment and performance improvements.


Improved compatibility with third-party brands over NTRIP

We have added leap seconds to the data streamed by Reach receivers acting as a base station. This helps you to seamlessly connect your Reach base with a wide range of third-party receivers over NTRIP. Now, even old versions of GNSS receivers are capable to maintain a steady FIX solution when connected to the Reach base station. 


Improved RINEX logging

The recent update improves the compatibility of RINEX files for post-processing in third-party software. You can now use Reach logs for PPK in your preferable software with no trouble.

In the RINEX logging section, we have also updated the IBGE preset to contain GPS and GLONASS satellite systems. Find out how to get precise coordinates with Reach using the IBGE service in our Docs.


Enhanced interface

With this release, we introduce the renewed responsive interface in the Emlid Flow app and Reach Panel (the browser version of your survey app). In Emlid Flow, you will enjoy refreshed screen views. While Reach Panel has been completely redesigned—we have made it consistent with the Emlid Flow interface, removed redundant tabs, and added an exciting dark theme. 

Please note, the survey tools from Reach Panel have been deprecated in favor of the Emlid Flow app. So if you are looking for your familiar survey tools, try our upgraded mobile app—Emlid Flow for iOS and Android.

Screenview in Emlid Flow_1
Updated screen views in Emlid Flow
Updated screen views in Emlid Flow
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Reach Panel update
Updated Reach Panel interface

Other improvements

With the latest update, we have also delivered a few other improvements:

  • Decreased receiver boot time
  • Improved connection over Bluetooth with Android 12 devices for Reach RS+/RS2/RS2+
  • Improved battery charging estimation algorithm on RS2/RS2+
  • Added support for non-ASCII URLs for NTRIP casters

Note that Reach Firmware 30 update is available for the Reach RS and Reach M series receivers. 

Check out the complete list of changes and fixes in the release notes on our Community Forum.