Reach RS2 with DJI Phantom 4 RTK: Online Talk with Emlid User
Here is our new online talk with an Emlid user! We invited Rory Gillies from the United Kingdom to discuss workflows for PPK and RTK missions with DJI Phantom 4 RTK and Reach RS2 as a base station.
Rory is a qualified geologist, GIS specialist, and drone pilot. He eagerly shared his RTK and PPK mapping experience, from placing the Reach base and connecting it with a drone via the Emlid Caster, to processing imagery in photogrammetry software. Moreover, Rory compared the accuracy results of RTK and PPK missions and gave lots of mapping tips for drone pilots.
Reach for Drone Mapping
In RTK mapping, a drone needs to get corrections during the flight from the base station. That requirement makes Reach RS2+ / RS3 a comprehensive fit for the flight mission. For PPK mapping, you can also use Reach RS2+ or Reach RS3 base station to log raw GNSS data and then post-process it. Order your Reach receiver in the official Emlid Store.